Friday, 27 April 2012

Once again in 2012

HOW MANY MUST WE EXPECT: One of the Nominees for the SAMA, Zaharra

It is that time of the year again. We are only counting days to the 18th MTN South African Music Awards (SAMA) Ceremony. Last years Awards were such a Fiaasco, but I think this year a lot of changes will be made. I really think this Ceremony is such an inspiration to upcoming local Artists and should be supporrted by all fellow South Africans. Such kind of events are really Good because they show that we support and appriciate the amazing work of our own local artists.
 I really think its about time we stop filling up stadiums when we have International Artists and fail to support our own Artists.  Lets hope the Organisers of the event have really grown and up their gameas in the past the event would only feature few hosts but this year I bet we are in for a big suprise. This Rocking event will be held at Sun City, Johannesburg on Monday, 30 April 2012 and will be televised on SABC1 at 08h30pm. Come on South Africans lets do this one more time and give it our all. Tickets are available at Computicket, so go get yours. 
 These are some of the Sponsors of the SAMA:

    THE BRAND BEHIND: Heineken, One of
    the Sponsors for the SAMAs
  • SABC1
  • Sowetan
  • Edgars
  • Heineken

Friday, 20 April 2012

The Parlotones Carbon Free Concert

(Palotones band) From left: Neil Pauw, Paul Hodgson, Kahn Morbee and Glenn Hodgson.
Source: rawentertainment

Perceptions of people towards things or event can be changed, but who can change them to the fullest matters. A  lot of Organisations these days use our Role Models or the people we look up to, to change our perceptions.

Parlotones member: Kahn Morbee
Source: jhblive

A well-known group band known as the Parlotones are no strangers to the fight against Global warming and understanding the importance of education. Their event of Global warming is in support of SABC3's Carbon-reducing initiative, by reforesting the Country, for more reading click here.

Their two-day event will be held at Carnival City's Big Top Arena on the 21 April at 20:00 and again on the 22 April at 16:00. This Live Music event is aimed at teaching and persuading the public to start or continue saving the Planet from things like Global Warming. This Band urges people save our planet by switching off unnecessary electricity appliances, going Green by recycling things like Papers, Glass, Cans and planting more trees.

In support of this event and being part of saving our planet, you can buy your Tickets at Computicket ranging from R161.00 to R212.00. Do not forget to put on your Catchy rock and Streaky eyeliner on the day. this event is not only about telling the publics that they should go green and save the enviroment but the aim from a Public Relations point of view is to change thier perceptions forever, that is why the other events they have been doing were effective and are continuing to be than the save the enviromment swich off your lights hour.

Friday, 13 April 2012

University of Johannesburg Freshers ball 2011

Lack of planning skills and talent can really lead to event failure and image of an organisation being underestimated in future. Last year in 2011, a lot of students from the University of Johannesburg and outside were looking forward to take a break from books and enjoy themselves a little. Students all had high expectations about the event of Freshers Ball but unfortunately they were disappointed.

These are some of the reasons:
  • Students only knew about the event two weeks before.
  • UJ FRESHERS: Logo for UJ 2011 Freshers ball
    Source: rawentertainment
  • The event had venue problems and was postponed.
  • The University of Johannesburg Soweto Campus was too small to accommodate all students who bought tickets, thus others had to go back home.
  • Alcohol was sold inside, but even before the event was over Alcohol was already out of stock.
  • Some of the artists who were suppose to perform did not perform.
As an Organisation, the type and success of the events that you host have an impact on how the public sees you. For a successful event, different departments involved in planning must all fully participate and not take each other for granted. Advertising,  Media relations and etc about an event must not be left for last minute things. Perceptions that the public has about an Organisation influences its success and future support that it will recieve from them.

Well its a new year now, and another Freshers ball for 2012 is on its way. People already have a negative perception about Freshers ball organised by the University of Johannesburg, but we will see if their perception will be proven right or rong. If the University of Johannesburg will up their standards in planning and improving their image.