This spectacular event was held in Ordos, China in the City of Mangolian. Wen became the center of controversy since she was crowned Miss World 2012. Her desire for the title was "When I was young I felt very lucky because so many people helped me, and I hope in the future I can help more children to feel lucky", said Wen. Sadly just after she was announced Miss World, the Social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Miss China related articles went viral, as many people opposed her winning. Critics accused her of being rigged. Comments from people also pointed out that she won only because of favouritism. Read more
AN UNFORGETTABLE MOMENT: Miss World 2012 Wen Xioa Yu, from China |
Contestants for Miss World were given activities to do in order to gain points, and Wen did not even win any of those activities. The activities and the winners for those activities were as follows:
- Modelling clothes for 1436, won by South Sudan
- Beach fashion, won by Wales
- Social media activity (to post photos), won by India
- Sports woman, won by Sweden
People complained that this is the second time Miss World was held in China and even the last time they hosted the event in 2007, the winner was from their home town. What kind of an incident is that? Another comment made it clear that the judges were no fair and wise in choosing the winner. People are saying there is no more credibility, fairness and transparency in such events. Judges should be impartial, free from prejudice, and not be affected (sic) by the screaming crowd, which the judges of Miss World 2012 did not have any of the above mentioned.
I just wonder how Miss Yu feels about these opinions and criticisms after she thought she also deserved the title and gained it with hard work and determination. Will this affect her image in a good or bad way? Did she really deserve the title and if not, who is to blame for her winning of Miss World 2012???